Construction NEWS
Engineering EXPO 2024 Attracts Students, Parents Exploring P.E. Careers

WHITE PLAINS NY—The popular annual exposition promoting STEM subjects, the Tri-State ENGINEERING EXPO, returned to White Plains High School on Sun., April 14, attracting more than 3,000 students and parents to 120 table-top exhibits, many with interactive features.
This year’s edition of the science and education fair showcased 45 engineering schools as well as a few eye-popping presentations, including the always-popular robotics demonstrations —all with the goal to encourage students to pursue careers in engineering.
Many of the top engineering and technology companies attended to answer questions and serve as resources when young engineers graduate and enter the job market.
Founded two decades ago (2003), this year’s event fulfilled its promise to be unlike any other science and education fair in the tristate region. “Its long history to attract students with their parents—as well as many of the leading colleges and universities for hard sciences—makes this a one-of-a-kind showcase to discuss college programs that span science, technology, engineering and construction,” explained Jim Caggiano of the New York State Society of Professions Engineers, a leading organizer of the program.
“Everyone looks for opportunities to learn first-hand about the education avenues available in engineering, and the Engineering EXPO makes all this possible in just four hours in one place. Families can question representatives of colleges, universities and academies from across the country.”
The EXPO covers the gamut, from computer and civil engineering to petroleum and biochemical engineering and nanotechnology, Mr. Caggiano added. “Students also can learn about college curriculum offerings, admission requirements and financial assistance information.”
Over the past 20 years, the EXPO has attracted many of the leading learning institutions. Highlights from this year’s show included “TECH Chicks” for the middle school students, dozens of engineering colleges, tech societies and consultant engineering firms to discuss job opportunities following graduation. Major sponsors were PepsiCo and SIKA USA.
For a complete list and more information visit,
Colleges & Universities Attending the Tristate Engineering EXPO
Colleges and universities are at the heart of the EXPO experience. Each year representatives from institutions help to inspire young engineering hopefuls to imagine themselves on campus perusing their curriculum of choice. Learning institutions been represented at Engineering EXPOs include:
Binghamton University
Bucknell University
Canisius College
Case Western Reserve University
Clarkson University
Cooper Union
Cornell University, College of
Dominican College
Drexel University
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical
Fairfield University
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Gildart Haase School of Computer
Sciences & Engineering
George Washington University
Lafayette College
Lawrence Technological University
Lehigh University
Manhattan College
New Jersey Institute of Technology
New York City College of
New York Institute of Technology
NYU Tandon School of Engineering
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rutgers University
St. Thomas Aquinas College
SUNY – Farmingdale State College
SUNY Alfred State
SUNY Delhi College of Technology
SUNY Maritime College
SUNY Oswego
SUNY- Rockland Community
Syracuse University College of
Engineering and Computer Science
The City College of New York
The Pennsylvania State University
The U.S. Merchant Marine Academy
The U.S. Military Academy at
West Point
The U.S. Naval Academy
University of Connecticut (UCONN)
University of Hartford
University of Rhode Island
Urban Assembly New York Harbor
Villanova University
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Westchester Community College
Worcester Polytechnic Institute