PCI, Suit Kote, ING Civil Win NYSDOT Project Jobs

ALBANY—The New York State Department of Transportation recently announced the selection of three apparent low bidders for work in the Hudson Valley region.

PCI Industries Inc. of Mount Vernon, NY was the lowest of four bidders at $1,880,000.00 for pavement rehabilitation, NY Rte. 128, Town of North Castle in Westchester.

Suit Kote Corp. of Cortland, NY was the lower of two bids at $4,665,878.24 for highway – emergency response where & when – various locations in Broome, Chenango, Delaware, Otsego, Schoharie, Sullivan and Tioga counties.

ING Civil Inc. of Watervliet, NY was the lower of two bids at $746,014.00 for bridge emergency response where & when, various locations in Broome, Chenango, Delaware, Otsego, Schoharie, Sullivan and Tioga counties. 

Papitto, ENECON, American Petroleum, Secure Westchester County DPW Work

WHITE PLAINS—The Westchester County Department of Public Works recently announced the selection of three apparent low bidders for work on facilities in Westchester County.

Papitto Construction Co., Inc. of Carmel, NY was the lowest of 11 bidders at $973,700.00 for Dam Rehabilitation, Ward Pound Ridge Reservation, Towns of Pound Ridge and Lewisboro.

American Petroleum Equipment & Construction Co. of Walden, NY was the sole bidder at $966,121.00 for maintenance service for fuel systems and related equipment, various county facilities.

ENECON Northeast APS, Inc. of Farmingdale, NY was the sole bidder at $4,049,490.00 for countywide coating installation and repairs, various locations, Westchester.

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