Poughkeepsie Firm Named Apparent Low Bidder On Mid-Hudson Forensic Hospital Asbestos Job
By JOHN JORDAN – February 2024
ALBANY—The New York State Dormitory Authority has reported on its website that an apparent low bidder has been named for the first project in what could be a $300-million to $450-million redevelopment of the Mid- Hudson Forensic Psychiatric Center in New Hampton, NY in Orange County.
OCS Industries, Inc., of Poughkeepsie, NY was the lowest of six bidders at $5,869,950 for site work including HAZMAT Abatement at the project site at 2 River Road. Bids were due on the contract (CR76 Site Work, Project Number 3590009999) on Jan. 30 at 2 p.m.

CONSTRUCTION NEWS has previously reported that The New York State Dormitory Authority released the first bid in connection with a planned major expansion at a psychiatric facility in Orange County that a decade ago was slated for closure.
The Dormitory Authority issued the bid entitled “New Forensic Replacement Hospital and HAZMAT Abatement at the Mid-Hudson Forensic Psychiatric Center on Dec. 12, 2023. The facility was slated for closure by the State Department of Health under a consolidation plan released in 2013, but the DOH later reversed itself and announced it would remain open.
The expansion project, a partnership between the Office of Mental Health and the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, involves the design and construction of a new state of the art facility and will replace the existing outdated buildings located at 2834 NYS Route 17M that will later be redeveloped. The new building will feature 300 stateof- the-art forensic in-patient beds.
The bid for Phase One of the project includes building demolition, hazardous waste abatement, site preparation and site clearing utility work. It is anticipated that work on the first phase could begin in the spring of 2024.
The proposed approximately 340,000 gross square foot replacement forensic residential inpatient facility would be constructed on a mostly undeveloped, approximately 39-acre portion of MHFPC’s existing, approximately 69-acre main campus. The proposed replacement facility would accommodate approximately 272 active patient beds with an additional 28 “swing” beds available when needed for a total of 300 beds, a 15-bed net increase over the existing facility.
The project would also include the construction of new municipal water and sewer connections to the City of Middletown’s existing infrastructure, along Route 17M.
The Dormitory Authority has hired TDX Construction, which is headquartered in Purchase, NY, as the Construction Manager for the project. The development will be constructed by local labor.
Todd Diorio, president of the Hudson Valley Building & Construction Trades Council, confirmed to CONSTRUCTION NEWS that the project sponsors had finalized a Project Labor Agreement with the building trades on the project. He said that while no firm cost estimates for the entire project have been released, he believed the overall cost will range somewhere between $300 million to $450 million.