NYSDOT Region 8 Lettings on Track With Significant Paving, Traffic Signal Projects
By JOHN JORDAN – September 26, 2023
TARRYTOWN—An analysis of both projects awarded so far in 2023 and those scheduled to be bid for the remainder of the year and into early 2024 indicates that the New York State Department of Transportation has focused its capital funding, for the most part, on paving and traffic signal projects in Region 8.
From Jan. 1, 2023, through July 13, 2023, NYSDOT’s Region 8 has bid more than $74.4 million of projects for the seven and a half months from Jan. 1, 2023 through July 13, 2023. During that period, Region 8 has bid eight paving projects, totaling nearly $35 million for paving improvement work and another three traffic signal projects worth approximately $35 million.
A leading industry executive also observed that this year Region 8 has put an increased focus on pavement conditions, pointing to long-standing complaints that Region 8 has the worst pavement conditions in the state. By year end, Region 8 is projected to bid 11 paving projects for a total projected spend of $61 million, which is 25% of the total budgeted for Region 8, said John Cooney, Jr., executive director of the Construction Industry Council of Westchester & Hudson Valley Inc.
He projected there is another $179 million of work volume to be let for bid for the remainder of 2023 NYSDOT’s Green Book schedule, and that this would put total project lettings for Fiscal 2023/2024 at approximately $250 million.
He pointed out that these levels are still some $50 million below the normal $300 million in annual highway lettings in Region 8 prior to the establishment of the latest NYSDOT Five-Year Capital Plan.
The Five-Year Capital Plan calls for a $300-million reduction in overall state/local construction spending. That, combined with 25% construction inflation are the major reasons for decreased project count and funding in Region 8.

The funding increases in the NYSDOT Five-Year Capital Plan are targeted to large “Signature Projects.” Along with the Van Wyck/I-81 and Kensington mega projects, Gov. Kathy Hochul has committed $1-billion in connection with improvements and expansion of Route 17 in Orange and Sullivan counties, which will benefit the region’s heavy highway construction sector in 2024 and beyond.
“The New York State Department of Transportation Stage 2 portion of the Route 17 at Exit 122 project is anticipated to begin in 2024 with a projected cost of $85 million. The Record of Decision (ROD) for the Route 17 expansion project EIS is anticipated in 2025 with estimated projects and costs at that time,” according to a statement released by NYSDOT to CONSTRUCTION News.
Mark Tiano, PE, NYSDOT Regional Design engineer and Mark Kruk, NYSDOT Project Manager, at a public hearing in early June on future improvements to Route 17, told CONSTRUCTION News they expect a Record of Decision on the Environmental Review and the scope of the overall Route 17 expansion project in the fall of 2025.
“The plan is—once we have a Record of Decision with the EIS—to move forward with three design-build projects hopefully immediately thereafter,” Mr. Kruk said at the public hearing held at Wallkill Town Hall.
Work on those three projects would likely commence in either late 2025 or early 2026, coinciding with the conclusion of work on the second phase of the Exit 122 job. He said the project worth for each of those three projects could be anywhere from $250 million to $300 million each.
Here is the list of road/bridge projects to be let for the remainder of 2023 and early 2024 for Region 8 that were included in NYSDOT’s “Green Book.”
Route 35 Paving: Route 22 To Bouton Road (Project ID No. 881650)
Description: This project will correct pavement deficiencies found on State Route 35 from Route 22 to Bouton Road in the Town of Lewisboro in Westchester County. The work will primarily consist of milling the existing pavement and resurfacing the roadway with a warm-mix asphalt overlay to the road surface to extend its service life and improve the quality and safety of the pavement. Additionally, general drainage and signal improvements will be made where practicable within the scope of this maintenance paving project.
Project Status: The Bid Opening is expected to be in the Winter of 2023. Construction is expected to begin in Spring 2024. Construction is expected to be completed in Fall 2024.
Cost of the Project: Approximately $4,150,000
Highway Where & When (Project ID No. 881419)
Description: This project will consist of taking immediate action to repair and prevent future degradation of portions of state highways in the event of an emergency. The work will encompass various municipalities in the counties of Columbia, Dutchess, Ulster, Rockland, Orange, Putnam and Westchester.
Project Status: The Bid Opening is expected in September 2023 Construction is expected to begin in Fall 2023. Construction is expected to be completed in Fall 2025.
Cost of the Project: Approximately $6,500,000
Guiderail Replacements Interstate 84: Western Orange County (Project ID No. 881482)
Description: This project will replace damaged or non-functional guiderail along Interstate 84 between Route 208 and Ohaire Road to improve the safety of the travelling public. The work will take place in the Towns of Montgomery and Wallkill in western Orange County.
Project Status: The Bid Opening is expected in September 2023. Construction is expected to begin in Fall 2023. Construction is expected to be completed in Fall 2024.
Cost of the Project: Approximately $1,700,000
Guiderail JOC: Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland And Westchester Counties (Project ID No. 881659)
Description: This project consists of performing emergency repairs, removal and installation of guiderails that have been damaged by vehicles, weather events or by other means. The work will focus on the region’s parkways and interstates in Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland and Westchester counties.
Project Status: The Bid Opening is expected in September 2023. Construction is expected to begin in Fall 2023. Construction is expected to be completed in Fall 2024.
Cost of the Project: Approximately $750,000
Route 128 Repaving: Route 22 To School Street (Project ID No. 803403)
Description: The pavement surface of this segment of Route 128 shows alligator cracking, heaving, and a rough riding surface. The proposed treatment will correct pavement wear by milling off the existing pavement to a depth of 1.5 inches and filling with the same depth of top course asphalt overlay. In addition to pavement repairs, drainage basins will be repaired and reset to proper height as needed. Curb ramps, where present, will be assessed and if needed brought up to current Americans with Disability Act standards. In locations of traffic signals, traffic signal inductance loops damaged by milling will be replaced as required. New pavement markings will be installed as needed. This project is taking place in the Town of North Castle in Westchester County.
Project Status: The Bid Opening is expected in October 2023. Construction is expected to begin in Winter 2023/2024. Construction is expected to be completed in Fall 2024.
Cost of the Project: Approximately $1,600,000
Bridge Painting (Project ID No. 881485)
Description: This project will consist of painting steel surfaces on bridges to protect against normal environmental effects of corrosion, acid rain, and deicing agents. The work will encompass various municipalities in the counties of Columbia, Dutchess, Orange, Ulster, and Westchester.
Project Status: The Bid Opening is expected in November 2023. Construction is expected to begin in Winter 2023/2024. Construction is expected to be completed in Fall 2025.
Cost of the Project: Approximately $5,500,000
Rustic Rail Replacements: Westchester County (Project ID No. 881529)
Description: This project will replace selected segments of the “rustic,” self-oxidizing metal, guiderail on federal aid eligible state highways in various municipalities throughout Westchester County. The rustic guiderail is showing signs of extensive deterioration and will be replaced with galvanized guide rail to continue to provide the traveling public the intended safety benefits that guiderail provides.
Project Status: The Bid Opening is expected in November 2023. Construction is expected to begin in Spring 2024. Construction is expected to be completed in Winter 2024/2025.
Cost of the Project: Approximately $21,000,000
Signal Requirements Regionwide (Project ID No. 881471)
Description: This project will consist of upgrading or installing new traffic signals as needed. The work will address various intersections in multiple municipalities in the counties of Columbia, Dutchess, Ulster, Rockland, Orange, Putnam and Westchester. Curb ramps, sidewalks, pavement markings and guide rail may be installed, replaced or upgraded, as necessary.
Project Status: The Bid Opening is expected to be in November 2023. Construction is expected to begin in Winter 2023/2024. Construction is expected to be completed in Spring 2024.
Cost of the Project: Approximately $1,000,000
Biennial Special Markings: Columbia, Dutchess, Ulster And Rockland Counties (Project ID No. 881479)
Description: This project will consist of applying epoxy and preformed pavement markings on state highways. This work will improve traffic safety by ensuring that the markings maintain their proper delineation and reflectivity properties. This work will take place in various municipalities in the counties of Columbia, Dutchess, Ulster, and Rockland counties.
Project Status: The Bid Opening is expected to be in November 2023. Construction is expected to begin in Winter 2023/2024. Construction is expected to be completed in Fall 2026.
Cost of the Project: Approximately $4,650,000
Biennial Long Lines; Regionwide (Project ID No. 881481)
Description: This project consists of applying epoxy and preformed pavement markings on state highways. This work involves various municipalities in the counties of Columbia, Dutchess, Ulster, Rockland, Orange, Putnam and Westchester.
Project Status: The Bid Opening is expected to be in November 2023. Construction is expected to begin in Winter 2023/2024. Construction is expected to be completed in Fall 2026.
Cost of the Project: Approximately $12,000,000
Route 22 Resurfacing in Dutchess and Putnam (Project ID No. 813131)
Description: This project will resurface segments of Route 22 from north of the Interstate 84/684 interchange to Route 55 in Dutchess and Putnam counties. Route 22 is identified as a part of the NYS Freight Core Highway Network from Route 55 in Dutchess County to I-84 in Putnam County along the east side of the Hudson Valley Region. This corridor provides freight connection between the urban area of Poughkeepsie and the State of Connecticut via I-84 Eastbound and Westchester County via I-684. Trucks account for 8% of the average annual daily traffic within the corridor. The work will take place in the Towns of Southeast, Pawling and Patterson and the Village of Brewster.
Project Status: The Bid Opening is expected to be in December 2023. Construction is expected to begin in Winter 2023/2024. Construction is expected to be completed in Summer 2024.
Cost of the Project: Approximately $14,000,000
Biennial Graffiti Removal (Project ID No. 881440)
Description: This project will remove graffiti from noise barriers, retaining walls, and bridges on state highways in Columbia, Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Ulster, and Westchester counties.
Project Status: The Bid Opening is expected to be in December 2023. Construction is expected to begin in Winter 2023/2024. Construction is expected to be completed in Winter 2025/2026.
Cost of the Project: Approximately $300,000
Bridge MBC Interstate 84: Dutchess, Orange, & Putnam Counties (Project ID No. 806258)
Description: This project will correct existing deficiencies and prevent further deterioration of bridge components on various bridges located on Interstate 84. The work will involve joint repair/reconstruction and seal replacement. Additional minor maintenance repairs may be needed at some of the locations. The work will take place in various municipalities throughout Dutchess, Orange, and Putnam counties.
Project Status: The Bid Opening is expected to be in January 2024. Construction is expected to begin in Spring 2024. Construction is expected to be completed in Winter 2024/2025.
Cost of the Project: Approximately $5,500,000
Biennial Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration (Project ID No. 881500)
Description: This project will explore subsurface soil conditions to provide data needed in advance of highway, bridge, and culvert design. This work will take place in various municipalities throughout the counties of Columbia, Dutchess, Ulster, Rockland, Orange, Putnam and Westchester.
Project Status: The Bid Opening is expected to be in January 2024. Construction is expected to begin in Winter 2023/2024. Construction is expected to be completed in Winter 2025/2026.
Cost of the Project: Approximately $1,250,000
Rustic Rail Replacements: Rockland County (Project ID No. 881658)
Description: This project will replace selected segments of the “rustic,” self-oxidizing metal, guiderail on federal aid eligible state highways in various municipalities throughout Rockland County. The rustic guiderail is showing signs of extensive deterioration and will be replaced with galvanized guide rail to continue to provide the traveling public the intended safety benefits that guiderail provides.
Project Status: The Bid Opening is expected to be in January 2024. Construction is expected to begin in Winter 2023/2024. Construction is expected to be completed in Winter 2024/2025.
Cost of the Project: Approximately $16,000,000
Route 45 Complete Streets Improvements (Project ID No. 807419)
Description: This project will improve transportation infrastructure to optimize the safety of pedestrian through new continuous sidewalks, ramps, and crosswalks along the Route 45 Corridor from Route 59 to West Eckerson Road in the Town of Ramapo, Village of Spring Valley. Traffic signals will be replaced to ensure all intersections are equipped with accessible pedestrian signal equipment and signal retiming will be investigated to improve vehicular and pedestrian safety.
Project Status: The Bid Opening is expected to be in January 2024. Construction is expected to begin in Spring 2024. Construction is expected to be completed in Winter 2025/2026.
Cost of the Project: Approximately $5,500,000
Bridge Rehab: TSP, Routes 52 & 304 – Orange, Rockland & West Counties (Project ID No. 881370)
Description: This project will undertake corrective and preventative maintenance actions to extend the service life of three bridges on state highways in Rockland, Orange, and Westchester counties. This project will rehabilitate the following three structures that carry NY Route 52 over Interstate 84 in the Town of Newburgh in Orange County, NY Route 304 over 87IX in the Town of Clarkstown in Rockland County, and Illington Road over the Taconic State Parkway (987G) in the Town of Yorktown in Westchester County.
Project Status: The Bid Opening is expected to be in January 2024. Construction is expected to begin in Spring 2024. Construction is expected to be completed in Fall 2025.
Cost of the Project: Approximately $15,000,000
Route 376 (Raymond Avenue) At Hooker Avenue Intersection Improvements (Project ID No. 839326)
Description: This project will improve the existing signalized intersection of Raymond Avenue (State Route 376), New Hackensack Road (State Route 376), and Hooker Avenue (State Route 983T) in the Town of Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County. The project will improve air quality by mitigating congestion while also improving safety, overall intersection operations, streetscape, and roadway cross-sections.
Project Status: The Bid Opening is expected to be in February 2024. Construction is expected to begin in Spring 2024. Construction is expected to be completed in Spring 2025.
Cost of the Project: Approximately $6,500,000
Bridge Washing/Deck Sealing (Project ID No. 881366)
Description: This project will consist of cleaning/washing bridges and sealing decks as needed. This work will remove debris from the bridges and protect them against corrosive substances in various municipalities in the counties of Columbia, Dutchess, Ulster, Rockland, Orange, Putnam and Westchester.
Project Status: The Bid Opening is expected to be in February 2024. Construction is expected to begin in Spring 2024. Construction is expected to be completed in Fall 2024.
Cost of the Project: Approximately $1,500,000
Bridge Washing/Deck Sealing (Project ID No. 881366)
Description: This project will consist of cleaning/washing bridges and sealing decks as needed. This work will remove debris from the bridges and protect them against corrosive substances in various municipalities in the counties of Columbia, Dutchess, Ulster, Rockland, Orange, Putnam and Westchester.
Project Status: The Bid Opening is expected to be in February 2024. Construction is expected to begin in Spring 2024. Construction is expected to be completed in Fall 2024.
Cost of the Project: Approximately $1,500,000
Cross County Parkway Guide Sign Panel And Structure Replacement
(Project ID No. 881476)
Description: This project will replace or upgrade guide signs and overhead sign structures that have reached the end of their service life on the Cross County Parkway in the City of Yonkers, City of Mount Vernon, and Town of Eastchester in Westchester County.
Project Status: The Bid Opening is expected to be in February 2024. Construction is expected to begin in Spring 2024. Construction is expected to be completed in Winter 2025/2026.
Cost of the Project: Approximately $6,000,000
Biennial Mowing – Palisades Interstate Parkway/Route 6 (Project ID No. 881496)
Description: This project will consist of removing overgrown vegetation found adjacent to the parkway, litter within the Highway Right of Way and mowing along the Palisades Interstate Parkway, and a small connection section of Route 6, including exit and entrance ramps. The work will improve the highway safety and aesthetics in the Towns of Clarkstown, Haverstraw, Highlands, Orangetown, Ramapo, Stony Point, and Woodbury in Rockland and Orange counties.
Project Status: The Bid Opening is expected to be in February 2024. Construction is expected to begin in Spring 2024. Construction is expected to be completed in Fall 2025.
Cost of the Project: Approximately $750,000
Route 100 Resurfacing: Underhill Street to City of White Plains Line (Project ID No. 802253)
Description: This project will correct existing pavement deficiencies on State Route 100, also known as Central Park Avenue, from Underhill Street in the City of Yonkers to the City of White Plains line in the Town of Greenburgh in Westchester County. The work will primarily consist of milling the existing pavement and resurfacing the roadway with a warm-mix asphalt overlay to extend its service life and improve the quality and safety of the pavement. Curb ramps, where present, will be assessed and if feasible be made compliant with current ADA guidelines.
Project Status: The Bid Opening is expected to be in February 2024. Construction is expected to begin in Spring 2024. Construction is expected to be completed in Fall 2024.
Cost of the Project: Approximately $8,000,000
US Route 6, Annsville Circle-Camp Smith: Flood Mitigation (Project ID No. 839209)
Description: This project will improve the resiliency of the Annsville Circle by elevating the Annsville Circle and approaches in the Town of Cortlandt in Westchester County.
Project Status The Bid Opening is expected to be in March 2024. Construction is expected to begin in Spring 2024. Construction is expected to be completed in Spring 2026.
Cost of the Project: Approximately $27,000,000