Argenio Brothers Wins NYSDOT Culvert Project

ALBANY—The New York State Department of Transportation recently reported that Argenio Brothers Inc. of New Windsor, NY was the lowest of 10 bidders at $5,575,575 for five culvert replacements at various locations in Orange and Ulster counties.

Vad Contractors Lands Harriman Roof Job

ALBANY—The New York State Thruway Authority recently reported that Vad Contractors Inc. of Brooklyn, NY was the lowest of five bidders at $396,150. for replacement of the roof at the Harriman Maintenance Section at M.P. 45.20 in the Town of Harriman, NY in Orange County in accordance with the plans and specifications.

Icon Construction Secures Wilson’s Woods Bid

WHITE PLAINS, NY—The Westchester County Department of Public Works has announced that Icon Construction Group, Inc. of White Plains was the lowest of four bidders at $3,340,690.81 for Wilson’s Woods Pool improvements in Mount Vernon, NY.